
Dog-Friendly Landscape

If you have dog or other pets, you might be one of those owners who think that it is impossible to have a garden but we contend that it does not always have to be that way. We think that for you to be able to make your garden possible, you have to meet the needs of your dog so that they can run around and not hurt them or hurt your beautiful flowers. 


The best way to consider this is to think of yourself as a dog and what would you want if you were to be a dog. You have to consider also the breed of your dog and their personalities varies so if you make your garden friendly to the kind of dog that you have then that is an assurance that your dog will really be happy with it. If your pet dog is happy then there is a higher possibility that you will be able to maintain your garden properly.  


There are many elements that you need to consider if you are going to make a garden that is friendly to your pets especially your dog. Read below to know all of these elements. 

Mulch that is comfortable is very important and those small cedar chips are very soft on their paws but their size is also enough so that they will not be sticking to the silky coating. Some smooth flagstones with some pebbles are also a good idea for your dog to lie down and play because this kind of texture is pleasing to them as dogs.  


If you put some driftwood in the areas where you planted some beautiful flowers, the driftwood will force your dog not to go near that area where there are plants. You have to make sure that there are plenty of tracks and spaces for your dog to run around because that is what they love. They have to have a running track so that they can exercise by running around. The plants that will probably come in contact with your dog must be soft in foliage but they should also be strong enough so that it will not be easily destroyed by your dog because if they are so vulnerable, you will do the planting again and again.  


Dogs also needs something to mark his space so your need  a piece of wood or whatever it is that you can think of so that it will be beneficial for you and your dog by the end of the day.  

We think the most important thing that you have to consider is the need for paths and space for your dog to run around because they enjoy a garden for this purpose and they should not feel isolated in a very small space because the tendency is that the dog will find a way to make their space bigger that means they are going to destroy the plants and things that are getting in the way. You have to be prepared for this to happen so we suggest you to ensure the big space before anything else. 


Contact landscaping company today! 


Ideal Plants to Put in Your Landscape

If you want to landscape a part of your home, you have to settle your horses because it is definitely not easy especially if you are doing it on your own. There are many things that should be decided on and there are a lot of things that you should have in order to make sure that the process will be successful and the end-goal will be reached and it will be amazing for you and your lawn.  

Although many companies like landscaping Frederickburg VA are offering landscaping services, you can still do landscaping on your own if you want to add a more personal touch to your yard. Performing landscaping on your own is a very good thing to do especially if you truly want to be hands-on and if you truly want a garden that is personally made by you.  

The very first that you should do before you start landscaping is to decide what plants to put in your yard so that you can plan out the rest after selecting the good plants that you will choose. Of course, this article is going to help you in selecting the good plants that you will need in your yard for the landscape of your dreams. Here they are: 

  1. Viola  

This is a plant that is very vibrant in terms of color because they come in white, yellow, orange, violet and purple. They can also withstand the cold winter times so you do not have to worry if you are living in an area that is colder compared to other places. This plant can grow in pots and it is very friendly inside pots so there is no need to worry about where you are going to plant them. This is also a very fragrant plant that will surely be noticed by everyone especially if you put it near the walkway where people come and go. They can grow up to three feet and this is such a friendly size that is good to put on landscapes.  

  1. Lavender 

The name of this plant is obviously adapted from the color of the plant. Maybe you have heard of this because this is actually used in perfumes and other things that can have scents such as oils, air fresheners and the like. This is a very good plant to have in your landscape because it helps driving mosquitoes away and that is really good because mosquitoes often live in places such as the garden where water is always present so having lavender on your landscape is a good way to control it.  

  1. Sweet Pea 

This is not a drink. This is a plant that is good for you landscape. They often bloom during spring time where you can see the bright flowers that bloom from it. The flowers can be color purple, pink or white and that is such a fun flower to have in your yard since it will also act as a decoration for the whole home.  

If you select any of these recommendations for your landscape, you should let us know!